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Is Nail Biting a Dental Problem?

Is Nail Biting a Dental Problem?

Also called onychophagia, nail biting is a common habit for lots of people, usually children, teens, and young adults. Often, nail biting is caused by stress and seems to wane as people get older. Though some would argue that it’s not as bad as smoking or other less desirable habits, there are several reasons to stop nail biting:

It’s unsanitary. Did you know that your mouth and your hands/nails are two of the germiest areas on your body? If you have any open sores on your fingertips and you bite your nails, the germs from your mouth spread to that area. Pretty gross if you think about it.

It’s unattractive. Nobody really wants to watch someone bite their nails. As well, it doesn’t make your nails look very nice either.

It hurts your teeth. When you bite your nails, it strains front teeth and can weaken them, which may contribute to misalignment or crookedness. Nail biting also keeps your teeth in constant chewing motion and may wear them down faster than if you didn’t bite your nails.

It can cost you money. The Academy of General Dentistry estimates that nail biting may add $4000 to dental bills over a lifetime.

Stopping any habit can be difficult. To curtail your nail biting, try to:

  1. Think about it. Sometimes, just be conscious of this habit can help you stop.
  2. Make your nails look nice. You won’t want to mess them up if they are neatly manicured.
  3. Create a deterrent. Check at the drug store for colorless, odorless solutions you apply to the
    nails. These topicals taste awful, which should make it easier to quit.

Take the first step towards optimal oral hygiene. Reserve your dental appointment at our Baltimore dental office now and experience personalized care.

Make the Most of Your Dental Visits

Make the Most of Your Dental Visits

Seeing your dentist twice a year is an important part of keeping your oral health in good condition. While this activity may not top the list of fun things to do, a dental visit doesn’t have to make you miserable either. With a little planning, you can ensure that your dental visit is a positive experience.

• Find the right dentist.

Selecting a dentist that you feel comfortable with will go a long way towards creating a good dental visit. At Brown, Reynolds & Snow, we understand that finding doctors with broad knowledge and expertise in all areas of dentistry will provide you with that extra incentive and confidence in seeking the smile you have always desired.

• Provide all the facts

Your dentist can do a better job meeting your needs if you are up front about any concerns you have or any problems you have been experiencing.

• Take care of your mouth

If you don’t brush and floss regularly, you are setting yourself up to fail. Good home care can prevent problems like gum disease and tooth decay from developing, which will save you extra time in the dental chair.

• Schedule routine exams

When you don’t see a dentist for years, your mouth won’t be in the best condition. Visiting the dentist twice a year ensures that you get professional cleanings and it allows the doctor to watch for signs of trouble.

• Try to relax

Deep breathing exercises or mediation may calm your nerves. If you feel especially anxious about your dental visits, talk with the dentist about your fears, and see what options the practice has available to make you more comfortable.

Do not wait any longer. Book your appointment now and achieve the smile you have always wanted. Dr. Farrugia is accepting new patients from Baltimore and the surrounding area.

Dealing with Common Dental Ailments

If you have a true dental emergency, make sure to consult your dentist right away. Some situations may arise, however, that after hours, so it’s important to know how to proceed. These tips will help you take good care of yourself or someone you love:

• Bitten lips, cheeks or gums

First, gently rinse the area with cool water. Apply light pressure with gauze or a wash cloth. Control swelling with crushed ice in a Ziploc bag.

• Bleeding gums

Usually caused by gum disease or brushing too hard, treat bleeding gums by rinsing with warm water and creating a regular home care routine that includes brushing twice a day and flossing regularly. See your dentist for a complete exam.

• Canker sores

Rinse the area with warm salt water. Avoid spicy, acidic, or very hot foods when you have an open sore. If the area doesn’t heal in two weeks, contact your dentist.

• Broken or cracked tooth

Carefully rinse the area with water, salt water if possible. Don’t remove any pieces and bring all fragments with you to the dentist’s office.

• Loose baby tooth

Don’t pressure your child to pull the tooth. Encourage your son or daughter to wiggle the tooth side to side as well as back and forth to help free the tooth.

• Teething pains

Place a wash cloth in the freezer and allow your baby to suck on it to relieve pain. Mild over-the-counter analgesics may also help.

• Toothaches

Avoid irritating the tooth. Don’t bite down on the area, and avoid hot or cold substances. Schedule an appointment with the dentist as soon as possible.

Take the first step towards a confident smile. Contact our Baltimore dental office to schedule your consultation!

Examining Amalgam Fillings

Examining Amalgam Fillings

The traditional silver fillings that patients have been getting for many years have come into the spotlight in recent years. Some people wonder if these silver, or amalgam, fillings are safe because they contain small amounts of mercury.

Amalgam fillings contain a mixture of half liquid mercury and half a blend of silver, copper, and tin. This material is soft and malleable, which makes it easy to be sculpted to fit well into the tooth and not affect the patient’s bite. Amalgam fillings have been used to fill cavities for over 150 years.

The concern about mercury as an ingredient in amalgam fillings is due to the health risks of toxicity or allergies associated with exposure. Significant mercury exposure can cause chronic illnesses, autoimmune disorders, birth defects, oral lesions, and mental disorders. The FDA has investigated the safety of amalgam fillings, however, and determined that the mercury levels are too low to present adverse health risks for adults or children over age six. It has also been deemed safe for nursing mothers to have amalgam fillings. Both the FDA and the American Dental Association maintain that these types of fillings are safe.

Patients who are uncomfortable with amalgam fillings may choose composite resin material instead. This newer type of filling is used in about 70 percent of fillings performed today, and many patients prefer the tooth-colored resin because it is less noticeable in the mouth than silver fillings. Patients who have concerns about amalgam fillings already in place may ask the dentist about switching to composite resin instead.

Take the first step towards optimal oral hygiene. Reserve your dental appointment at our Baltimore dental office now and experience personalized care.

Stress and Its Connection to Teeth Grinding

Stress and Its Connection to Teeth Grinding

Modern lifestyles can be extremely stressful as many people have to deal with deadlines, demands and other frustrations that make up daily life. This can be an issue if you’re constantly under stress as it may affect your health. There are numerous health conditions that can be affected by high stress levels, and one of these is teeth grinding.

What Is Teeth Grinding?
Teeth grinding, or bruxism, is a condition that causes you to clench and grind your teeth together. It normally occurs during sleep so you may not even realize you have bruxism. This condition is likely to be identified by your family dentist in Baltimore due to teeth becoming worn down and chipped, or quite often a sleeping partner will complain about the grinding noise during the night.

What Does Stress Have To Do with Bruxism?
Teeth grinding has been linked to high levels of stress and anxiety. It’s been shown that people under stress are more likely to grind their teeth, particularly if they don’t have any coping mechanisms.

How Could Teeth Grinding Affect Me?
Teeth grinding can have more of an effect than you might imagine. It can cause teeth to become cracked, sensitive or even loose. Excessive grinding can damage the gums and bone surrounding your teeth, or may cause a painful disorder called TMD. This affects the jaw joints or temporomandibular joints, and can cause headaches, earache and facial pain.

How is Bruxism Treated?
Your dentist in Baltimore is likely to recommend a custom-made night guard which is worn while sleeping to protect your teeth and jaws from any further damage. It works through preventing your teeth from coming into contact. Additionally, you may be prescribed a muscle relaxant to help prevent clenching. It can be helpful to reduce stress levels through various measures which can include exercise, yoga, meditation or stress counseling.

Take the first step towards optimal oral hygiene. Reserve your dental appointment at our Baltimore dental office now and experience personalized care.

The Truth about Common Dental Myths

The Truth about Common Dental Myths

Modern dentistry allows people to keep their teeth healthy and strong. In fact, dentistry has evolved from folk practices to a medical discipline that follows scientific findings. Some common misconceptions still exist, including:

Myth: If I can’t see a problem with my teeth, they are fine, so I don’t need to visit the dentist.

Truth: Regular checkups are important even if you can’t see anything wrong. Sometimes, problems like decay and gum disease don’t present any signs until the condition progresses. Visiting the dentist for a routine exam twice a year allows the doctor to more effectively monitor your oral health.

Myth: Toothbrushes with hard bristles do a better job cleaning teeth.

Truth: Actually, most dentists recommend soft-bristled brushes because the hard bristles can remove tooth enamel, which makes your teeth more sensitive to hot and cold.

Myth: Root canal procedures cause pain.

Truth: When a tooth is severely damaged by trauma or deep decay, the soft nerve center called the pulp dies and pressure builds inside the tooth. Any discomfort you feel comes from the inflammation and infection. Most people actually feel better after a root canal, a procedure where the doctor removes the damaged tissue and seals the tooth to prevent further problems.

Myth: Teeth whitening will harm my teeth.

Truth: Both in-office and take-home teeth whitening options have evolved over the years. With a dentist’s supervision, you can safely and effectively brighten your smile.

Myth: Chewing sugar-free gum means I don’t have to brush my teeth.

Truth: Although sugar-free gum after meals may freshen breath and reduce plaque build up, you can’t use it as a substitute for brushing twice a day. Only regular brushing and flossing can get rid of the plaque already on teeth and remove food particles from between teeth.

Schedule a dental cleaning appointment today at our Baltimore dentists office.